New White Paper Released

Advanced Intelligence for Private Equity

The Problem

In the fast-paced private equity sector, the ability to quickly and reliably access internal data is crucial. Speed and accuracy in data processing are paramount for making smarter, more informed decisions in a timely manner. However, AI-based automation initiatives often fail to ensure effective data security and governance while preventing hallucinations and enabling scaling. This hinders the possibility of better taking advantage of the database and network built by the firm.

The Solution

impactAI has partnered with Qatalog to offer an advanced Enterprise Intelligence solution based on Generative AI, tailored to the challenges of private equity firms. Qatalog provides swift access to relevant information spread across the company systems. Moreover, it enables the creation of customized and automated workflows to increase the quality and speed of recurring activities. With the support of impactAI and Qatalog, private equity professionals can: 

  • Accelerate deal valuations by processing relevant market data for faster comparison of companies and transactions 

  • Anticipate market changes by providing instant updates on deals and projects 

  • Facilitate network access finding relevant contacts swiftly 

  • Automate routine tasks to streamline HR and IT operations 

The Differentiator

This Generative AI solution stands out for its ability to produce reliable responses, avoiding the common issue of hallucination. Moreover, unlike traditional methods, it does not require data indexing, ensuring speed while maintaining strict data security, a critical aspect in the private equity field. Additionally, its easy setup and use, coupled with advanced governance measures like user-level tokens, make it possible to get started quickly.

The Impact

  • Decrease in time needed to complete deal valuations 

  • Increase efficiency regarding project updates and news processing 

  • Decrease in time spent on routine tasks (e.g., information retrieval) 


Project Lead

Alberto Giammattei
Venture Architect - Generative AI specialist
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About impactAI

Immersed at the heart of AI's newest breakthroughs, impactAIbridges the gap between the industry innovators and thecorporations eager to leverage the transformative powerof GenAI. From redefining strategic goals and executing itsholistic implementation across organizations, to providingin-depth training and ongoing support, we ensure AI isn'tjust a tool but a competitive advantage.

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